Automating Blog Updates

How I update my blog with a stupid simple ten line bash script.

This post can sound like stating the obvious, but if something can be done by script, it is better decision to automate it. When I finished setting up the whole website, I had to solve one annoying problem. Do I really have to input like 9 separate commands and switch between directories to update just one blog post?

Prior to it I didn’t have any experience scripting in bash, of course I used install scripts for some software and knew I had to give scripts some permissions, but it was a whole new thing for me. I expected that script would be somewhat different than just using terminal, but it turns out it’s just the same. Of course I can make variables, loops and all of this useful stuff, but all i needed was to have some commands executed.

So how it looks?

Honestly? I know this could be done better but I just copied my terminal history from the last time i was updating and pasted it into .sh file.

And that’s it. All done in less than a minute.

  1 #!/bin/bash                                                                          
  3 cd blog
  4 git add .
  5 git commit -m "script updating"
  6 git push
  7 hugo -d ../
  8 cd ../
  9 git add .
 10 git commit -m "scripts updating"
 11 git push

233 Words

2021-08-29 14:30 +0200